Managing Defender Exclusions
Bart Boryczko
With the addition of the new Managed Exclusions in the web ui, simply adding an exclusion to a specific agent has become unintuitive. When navigating to the Agent > Antivirus > Policy > Configure, I'm met with a link to a whole another page, which does not have an obvious option to add a single exclusion to a single host. In the effort to add a cool new feature, you have somewhat crippled an existing feature. I discovered this while on a call with a customer, and I didn't have time to properly explore all the nooks and crannies of the portal, when I didn't find the option I needed where I expected it to be. I had to reach out to your help via chat, somewhat embarrassingly. So please rethink the new design and make it a little easier for us to manage.
Russ Bashaw - Huntress
Thanks for the feedback Bart! We agree with you and are looking to bring this back with an improved experience.