Send Emails and PSA tickets for Unwanted Access
Ricardo Alvarez
Currently the Unwanted Access Escalation Emails will only send out if there is no PSA detected. If there is a PSA detected then only the PSA will receive the ticket and no email will be sent out. The partner would like to have the functionality to do both at the same time as this interrupts their response process.
puneet nahar
Implementing a dual notification system—where both the PSA and the designated email recipients receive alerts simultaneously, It's crucial for security engineers to be notified about incidents in real-time, especially when helpdesk is offline.
Greg Budzynski
Hi, yes, it seems like a design glitch. Why? For example, our helpdesk works until 5 PM, but we have other security engineers who monitor their emails for security incidents after hours. In this case, their mailboxes will not receive notifications.